Debt restructuring

Getting a new credit card to pay off the others.


How The US Government May Collapse

A good article on what is going down in Puerto Rico:

The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday warned of a potential government shutdown in Puerto Rico and lengthy litigation if Congress doesn’t approve a debt restructuring plan for the U.S. territory soon.

Antonio Weiss, counselor to the U.S. Treasury secretary, issued the warning as House Republicans held hearings in Washington during a final push to address the island’s failing economy…

“There is no room for error in this economy,” he said. “The government remains open only because the governor authorized more than $1 billion in onerous and unsustainable emergency liquidity actions.”

Bear in mind, the US has no massive, financially superior organization above it to save it.

About mobiuswolf

Aspiring writer of Zombie fiction.
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